Policies & Guidelines

Best Practices for Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) Code of Conduct

Policies and Guidelines

Respect and Inclusivity

  • Respect for All Members: Ensure that all interactions within the ERG are respectful. Members should be encouraged to appreciate diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Inclusivity: Promote an environment where everyone feels included and valued regardless of their background, role, or personal characteristics.
  • Zero Tolerance for Discrimination: Clearly state that discrimination, harassment, and bullying are not tolerated. Establish procedures for reporting and addressing such behavior.


  • Professional Behavior: Members should maintain a high standard of professionalism in all ERG activities, including meetings, communications, and events.
  • Constructive Feedback: Encourage giving and receiving constructive feedback in a respectful manner. Criticisms should be directed at issues, not individuals.


  • Confidential Information: Clearly define what constitutes confidential information within the ERG and emphasize the importance of protecting this information.
  • Privacy Respect: Respect the privacy of members. Information shared in confidence should not be disclosed outside the group without permission.


  • Honesty and Transparency: Promote honesty and transparency in all ERG activities and communications.
  • Conflict of Interest: Members should disclose any conflicts of interest and avoid situations where personal interests could conflict with ERG goals.

Participation and Engagement

  • Active Participation: Encourage members to actively participate in ERG activities and contribute to discussions, initiatives, and events.
  • Commitment: Members should commit to the goals and mission of the ERG, dedicating appropriate time and effort to its activities.
  • Punctuality: Be punctual for meetings and events and provide advance notice if unable to attend.


  • Clear and Respectful Communication: Foster clear, respectful, and professional communication within the ERG. This includes both verbal and written communication.
  • Listening: Encourage active listening and ensure all members feel heard and respected.


  • Responsibility: Members should take responsibility for their actions and contribute positively to the ERG’s objectives.
  • Follow Through: Ensure commitments made by members are followed through. Set clear expectations for task completion and accountability.


  • Teamwork: Promote collaboration and teamwork. Encourage members to work together, share ideas, and support one another.
  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve all members in decision-making processes to ensure diverse perspectives are considered.

Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish mechanisms for members to provide feedback on the ERG’s activities and initiatives.
  • Learning and Development: Encourage continuous learning and development related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Leadership and Role Modeling

  • Leadership Example: ERG leaders should model the behavior expected from all members, demonstrating respect, integrity, and professionalism.
  • Mentorship: Promote mentorship opportunities within the ERG to support the development of all members.

Implementation Tips

  • Clear Communication: Ensure the Code of Conduct is clearly communicated to all members during the onboarding process and regularly thereafter.
  • Accessibility: Make the Code of Conduct easily accessible to all members, such as via the ERG’s online portal or through regular meetings.
  • Training and Education: Provide training on the Code of Conduct and related policies to ensure all members understand their responsibilities.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review and update the Code of Conduct to reflect the evolving needs and goals of the ERG.


  • Adopting best practices for the ERG Code of Conduct helps create a respectful, inclusive, and productive environment. These guidelines ensure that all members can contribute positively to the group’s mission and goals, fostering a culture of respect, integrity, and collaboration.

Policies and Handbooks

Discrimination/ Discriminatory Harassment

Sexual Harassment



Recruitment/ Employment Related



Other Resources