Training and education are fundamental to maintaining an environment free from discriminatory harassment and retaliation.

The department of Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Title IX is responsible for providing educational training programs to assist members of the University community in understanding discrimination, harassment, retaliation, accommodations, accessibility, title ix, how to address behaviors that violate University policy, and other EO related matters.

SHRM Recertification Logo

The Office of Equal Opportunity, Compliance and Title IX is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.”

Educational Trainings and Events

Educational trainings and events are fundamental to maintaining a welcoming environment free from discrimination, discriminatory harassment and retaliation. Managers, deans, directors, and department heads are responsible for informing employees who are under their direction or supervision of the University's policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Student Affairs administrators are responsible for providing this information to the student body.

Trainings that are required by policy, for both employees and managers, are available through Workday Learning. Employees are automatically enrolled into required training. OEOC has made other optional trainings available in Workday Learning as well. Employees can enroll into courses of which they are not already assigned. In addition, OEOC staff are available to provide training in person or virtually for groups who would like it. Please fill out the OEOC Training Request Form to request in person training.

OEOC reguarly hosts events that provide additional educational opportunities for the campus. Online events are recorded and posted to the OEOC Educational Videos page for viewing. 

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