Promoting inclusive excellence through equity, access and diversity.

Equal Opportunity, Compliance & Title IX engages with the campus community to proactively advance the University’s initiatives and resources to create a more inclusive educational and work environment.


Report Discrimination or Grievance

If you've experienced any kind of discrimination or harassment, let us know. We're committed to investigating and resolving allegations.

Reporting Overview

Request Accommodations

Do you need an accommodation for a disability? Or to practice your religious faith? Let us know what we can do.

Disability Accommodations Overview

Religious Accommodations Overview

Barriers to Access

A barrier is an obstacle or anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in in all aspects of society because of their disability. If you or someone you know is experiencing a barrier, let us help.

Barriers Overview


Access training and classes to help understand and avoid discrimination, harassment, and other violations of U of A policy.

Training Overview


If you're serving on a search committee or responsible for recruitment, we've put together some resources to help you ensure the process is welcoming to all applicants.

Recruitment Overview


Helpful resources for faculty, staff, students, and applicants on diversity, inclusion, affirmative action, employment equity, harassment prevention, and other work-related questions.

Resources Overview


Here you can find our policies on diversity, inclusion, affirmative action, employment equity, harassment, and more.

Policies Overview

Our Staff

Meet the staff of Equal Opportunity, Compliance & Title IX. We're here to help you!

Meet Our Staff

Belonging & Engagement

The University of Arkansas is creating a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive environment where every member of the campus community feels valued, connected, and empowered to thrive academically, socially, and personally.

Belonging & Engagement

News & Events